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강연 및 상영
November 6, 2021: 41st Hawaii International Film Festival, World Premiere: Kahala Theare, Hawaii article
World Premiere, November 6, 2021: Hawaii International Film Festival (Kahala Theatre)
‘Rainbow Country Legacy Creation’ meeting, December 7: Jeju Overseas Korean Foundation invited
Seoul multi-cultural space Yeonnamjang screening and discussion, December 9: Hosted by ‘Urban Play’
CGV Cinema Screening, December 14th: Hosted by Jeongeup Office of Education & ‘Urban Picnic’
Screening at the Ketmeori International Village Film Festival, December 18: Inje, Gangwon-do
Broadcast nationwide through Korea TV, Hankook Ilbo, America: January 2022
Maui Screening, January 28: Hosted by the Maui Korean Association, University of Hawaii Maui Campus
Big Island Screening: Hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu, University of Hawaii at Hilo Campus
Oahu Screening: Hosted by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Honolulu, Christ United Methodist Church Parish
Korea Local Autonomy Talent Development Institute Global Leader Course Screening & Special Lecture Series: May-July Ministry of the Interior and Safety
Screening and conversation with director for 2022 Next Generation College Student Home Country Training Program: July 25, Overseas Koreans Foundation
2022 World Next Generation Conference Empathy Talk: Talk concert with director Jinyoung Lee and director Jeon Jeon Seok, September 2022
Screening and talk, Korean Language Flagship Center of UH, September 2022
‘Heritage of the Rainbow Nation’ video exhibition at the Korea Immigration Museum special exhibition: October 2022 - January 2023
‘Legacy of the Rainbow Nation’ talk concert commemorating the opening of the exhibition at the Museum of Korean Immigration History, Incheon, October 6, 2022
Keynote speech/talk with Mayor Harry Kim at the World Korean Presidents Conference, Incheon City, October 6, 2023